Friday, January 28, 2011

Where art thou - Alex Ovechkin

So to little surprise, Ovechkin is on the struggle bus. Where has he gone, has he lost his mojo? Well, one thing is for sure, Ovechkin, like many athletes (Torress, Crosby,L.James,D.Wade) are under performing their value. Nothing more is frustrating for an owner (not that i would know), than paying a lot for an athlete that does not earn his worth. Ovechkin right now is like paying for a Lexus and getting the Chevy Volt.

Ovi - Great guy, but numbers are down all around, well he passes more, probably because he cant score!

As Seen by the graph above, OVI has dipped in all categories per game. He has the least amount of goals per game, the assists have dropped. His points per game have also dropped. Where has the production gone!

His time on ice remains the same just over 21 minutes per game, but he isn't producing. Or is he?

I think the theme to Ovi's season should be Hit me with your best shot! And i dont mean shots on goals, i mean hits. I added his hits per game to the above graph, it is seen below. He is increasing his hits per game. He wants to be a wrecking ball of destruction on the ice, that or it could just be from the frustration of goal production.

Now the great question... How are the capitals.

The Caps as a team are doing worse, they are scoring less per game than they normally do, and are giving up more goals. Hopefully they can turn things around, if not, it could be middle of the pack for them.

But the question at hand "Where art Thou Mr. Ovechkin"

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