Monday, February 16, 2009

Problems and Opps

To the Left is the Original, to the right, is the mash up.

So This week has caused me some problems.

1. I have a 1,500 page essay due in 72 hours, i haven't started yet (This might actually be a problem)
2. I have three assignments due Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Not really sure how i can going to complete these because i really do not know what to do.
3. I am Tired, and seem to have no motivations

Not Solutions
1. Watching the Office
2. Ranting about Itunes music store stole the soul out of music, and debating against Steve's Job's theory on what Napster created.
3. Finding out that Google Desktop does not have to be docked on the side, but you can rather move them to the middle of the screen and activate it by double shift, making my life, just a little bit simpler.
4. The weather was sunny and 50 here
5. Having my calculator run out of batteries
6. Needs to go to the Grocery Store

1. Illy's Coffee
2. Pen Paper Library (currently not there).
3. Motivation

Out for now, until my brain either leaks or i win this battle!

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