Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday, A day of sorrow

  Today i have hell class, which makes it a horrible day. I got back some work i turned in, and it didnt go as well as i hoped, but you cant win all the time can you. 

Funny things i have noticed, and feel the need to comment about. Instead of regular, they have 'Standard'. Also things I already miss about the states.
1. 24 - Hour Food/ Starbucks
2. Chipotle
3. WAWA 

I think the world is coming to an end, we had two straight days of sun. Which is as you know not typical, and funny thing is, i have been here for 23 days, and today was the first time i could see the Castle on my way to class.  I am getting adjusted to food and what have you.

Current Agenda 
- Going to watch Nick and Nora's Infite Playlist, it just came out here!
 - City of London to see the Tower of London as well as the Bridge.
Near Future
 - Dublin Ohio  Ireland
-  Liverpool maybe.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Abroad Eh?

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I will try to start all posts with a joke, Here is today's. While sitting at the Dinner table (with Kevin, a fellow study abroad student), he asked me what i was doing here, i stated, studying abroad, and he said that sucks, cause i am here to study several!

So a little bit of why Patchus Propaganda went to an abroad blog. After viewing a seemingly endless and dry, boring, filled with useless pictures  Blog, i thought it would be a good idea to give everyone a taste of England. I expect to reformat the view of the blog mainly because it sucks. I also will add some artsy photos every once in a while, but i need a larger flikr account to do that.

A bit about the classes, Math classes dont use any books, and history classes use too many. I have to rely on my notes for homework in math classes. The weather is 95% of the time rainy, with a hint of Sun every once in a while. I am catching a cold :( , but i hope to get out of it.

Cheers for now!